Through the lens - the fascination of the animal world

Workshop for school classes on the media of film and photography with a focus on nature and the environment

In this workshop, pupils immerse themselves in the world of animals. International award-winning nature photographer Levi Fitze shows his best shots and tells exciting and instructive anecdotes about the creation of his work. Levi will also present some long-term projects from the Alpine region and talk about his travels to South Africa, Kenya, Patagonia and the Falkland Islands.

In addition to impressive knowledge about the animal world, Levi explains the most important basics about the media of photography and film. This includes practical knowledge such as image composition, but also showing the making of a major cinema documentary, which Levi is currently working on. Born in 2004, Levi is able to pick up the students well and speaks from the perspective of a young person who was still at school a few years ago and was faced with groundbreaking decisions at the start of his career.

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Kulturvermittlung Ostschweiz - Levi Fitze school lecture

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